UK's 1st Naturally Enriched Milk

Our Flooded Farm!

Flood main image

The awful weather this morning reminded us of the flooding we experienced on 6th December last year.

Jack, who studies at Myerscough College and works weekends for us, was up at the farm first on the 6th. He rang us from downstairs to say come quickly there’s water everywhere!

Our first concern was the calves and the heifers; the water was waist deep so they were in difficulty.

The cover had floated off a pit so the first job was to rescue a heifer that had fallen in there.

John decided we needed to evacuate all the smaller calves. This meant going to the other farm to get the cattle box. On the way we passed a fully submerged taxi, only the roof sign was visible. On this route, the tractor was up to the axles and drawing in water. John decided we needed to use the other route, which was longer but probably safer.

It took several journeys to move all the smaller calves to the safety of another farm. Some we moved into the garden as we ran out of space.

Everyone pulled together and helped us with amazing good humour (even all the men who were up to their brussel sprouts in freezing, filthy water!) I was lucky, I borrowed my brothers fishing waders and managed to take pictures. The girls in the house made vast amounts of tea for everyone, and after a lot of hard work and teamwork, every single calf, chicken and pony were saved.

Red Tobacco Farm Flood Dec 2016 2